Of a sandwich.
Might I just advise: as well as adhering to the 'Dont Drink & Drive' rule (as well as the one about not driving after having taken drugs/medication)
'Don't Eat & Drive!'
Yesterday afternoon hubby & I were driving back from having visited my mum in Bristol. I was taking my turn at driving us home since hubby had driven us down there. Before we left, Mum made us some ham and coleslaw bread rolls to eat on the way back, since we were leaving right on lunchtime. We'd got about three-quarters of the way home when hunger struck and we each tucked in to half a roll each. I remember at the time thinking that it may not be a good idea, seeing as bread and I seem to have a love-hate relationship (I love it, the band hates it most of the time, but not always) and that I must chew, chew, chew and eat slowly. Trouble was, I only remembered that as I was about to polish off the last mouthful. Needless to say, I got stuck. At first it was just uncomfortable, and I hoped and hoped it would pass through. But, unfortunately, things became increasingly more painful and I realised, from past experience, that the only thing to do was to get rid of the offending morsel. So, from scooting along the M4 at 70mph (never faster, of course...) I had to make a rapid pulling-over manouevre onto the hard shoulder, leap from the car and make especial and delightful use of the grass verge.
Let that be a warning to us all of the dangers of Driving Under the Influence!